Spousal sponsorship, Sponsor your family as permanent residents of Canada

Spousal Sponsorship – Sponsor your family as permanent residents of Canada

Spousal Sponsorship – Family reunification is one of the primary objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada. The aim is to ensure that all Canadians and Permanent residents of Canada can sponsor their spouses, children and parents as permanent residents of Canada. At Fairworld Immigration Consulting, our job is to prepare the application in such a way that it makes it easier for the IRCC to approve the application and avoid the delays that are normally seen when the application is made by non-professionals.

The Genuineness Test

Unlike other immigration processes, the main requirement or case to be met for a spousal sponsorship application is whether the relationship between a Canadian or PR and a foreign national is a genuine one. Therefore, every spousal sponsorship application must pass a genuineness test.

Now, how do we prove that a relationship is genuine. I meet couples every week who claim that their relationship is obviously genuine. However, that is not how the IRCC perceives it. They look at all applications from an understandably skeptical perspective, considering the number of bogus applications that are made every year.

Our job is to prepare and submit an application to the IRCC that makes it clear to them that this is indeed a genuine application and they should expedite the application for PR. 

How do we prove genuineness?

Genuineness is a very abstract concept. A couple who has been together for 20 years need not have a genuine relationship while a couple who has just been together for 2 months can have a genuine relationship. However, IRCC has set certain criteria through which we can prove genuineness. 

  1. Cohabitation

A genuine couple is expected to have lived together for a certain period of time. Even though there is no minimum cohabitation period requirement for married couples, common-law partners have a minimum cohabitation period of 12 continuous months.

  1. Financial Interdependence

A genuine couple is expected to have interdependent finances wherein they depend on each other for their livelihood.

  1. Societal perception

Society will perceive a genuine couple as a couple. That is, their friends and family will see them as a couple.

At Fairworld Immigration, we will assess your specific situation and decide how to best prepare your application. No relationship is perfect and that will reflect in your application. Our job will be to ensure that we put our best foot forward in your family’s permanent residency application.

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